Friday, 11 September 2015

Incident in Mecca


Just want to share my thoughts. Scrolling down my facebook and instagram page yesterday night is so heartbreaking. To see whats happening in Mecca, our beloved country, a place where every muslim dream of going is so devastating. The injuries and the blood in masjidil haram infront of kaabah. I don't know. I feel like Allah wants to tell us something. Just something that i had yet to understand. Why of all places, these incident occurs in Mecca? Infront of kaabah? A sacred place? A place too pure that even a drop of blood is seen as something outrageous. Now, a pool of blood. I dont know. I just wonder why. Since yesterday. But i still cant find the answer. Two or three days before, theres a grand opening of the new extension of masjidil haram. I dont know. It may be something related perhaps? The opening of the new extension and the accident happened yesterday that kills 62 jemaah haji. hmmm. Wallahu alam. But i believe theres a message Allah wants to tell us.

Just remember akhira o dear muslims.

Wallahu alam.